- International Confederation of Labor
- Abbreviation: ICL
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions — Infobox Union name= ICFTU country= International affiliation= International members= 155 million in 148 countries (2006) full name= International Confederation of Free Trade Unions native name= founded= 7 December, 1949 current= head= dissolved… … Wikipedia
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions — ▪ international labour organization the world s principal organization of national trade union federations. The ICFTU was formed in 1949 by Western trade union federations that had withdrawn from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)… … Universalium
World Confederation of Labor — (WCL) A trade union founded in 1920 under the name of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions. The WCL was a confederation of trade unions associated with the Christian Democratic parties of Europe. Its members consisted of… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Labor history of the United States — involves the history of organized labor, as well as the more general history of working people in the United States of America. Pressures dictating the nature and power of organized labor have included the evolution and power of the corporation,… … Wikipedia
Confederation of Ethiopian Labor Unions — The Confederation of Ethiopian Labor Unions (CELU) was an umbrella organization that represented a number of labor unions and employee self help associations in Ethiopia. The Derg, the military junta which ruled Ethiopia at the time, banned the… … Wikipedia
Confederation of Mexican Workers — CTM Full name Confederation of Mexican Workers Native name Confederación de Trabajadores de México Founded 1936 Country Mexi … Wikipedia
International Trade Union Confederation — ITUC Full name International Trade Union Confederation Founded 1 November 2006 Members 175 million in 155 countries (2010) Country International … Wikipedia
International Organizations and Groups — Note: The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) has dissolved and ceases to exist. None of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, including Serbia and Montenegro, have been permitted to participate solely on the basis of the… … Universalium
LABOR — Jewish Labor Organizations IN THE PRE STATE PERIOD Since the last decades of the 19th century, a number of sporadic labor associations have arisen in agriculture and in the printing, clothing, and building trades, as well as groups limited to a… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Labor rights — Part of a series on Organized labour … Wikipedia
International Trade Union Confederation — Der Internationale Gewerkschaftsbund (IGB) (englisch International Trade Union Confederation ITUC, französisch Confédération syndicale internationale CSI) ist ein internationaler Gewerkschaftsdachverband mit Sitz in Brüssel. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia